Thursday, 25 September 2008

GNU Must Communicate Its Vision to Gain Public Support

THE Government of National Unity being formed by Zanu PF and the two Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) formations will, in essence, be change managers.

Zimbabweans have suffered for so long and probably become so disillusioned that it might take time for them to appreciate real prospects of change.

In management change people look for quick returns in order to win over cynics and sceptics and build on their quick wins to convince followers that they can do it. However, media and communication will be the key to the change we seek.

Most failures in change management are grounded in people’s emotional attitudes to change, which are not necessarily rational which is why communication is extremely important.

It is therefore vital for the new government to address the issue of communication and information through a thoroughly professional manner so that Zimbabweans are on the same page and can buy into the change agenda. Every voice matters and it comes with the territory in a GNU because without adequate communication there won’t be unity of purpose and common vision. People will pull in different directions, support individual leaders or players in the team.
It was such a shame that while those of us in the Diaspora could watch the proceedings of the signing ceremony live on BBC and Sky channels on September 15, 2008 some Zimbabweans did not even know that there was such a historic occasion going on.

It is also possible that details of the agreement will remain scant because not enough care was taken to ensure information filters down to the remotest of our villages and is translated into indigenous languages to enable every Zimbabwean to understand what was agreed upon. There is still an opportunity for the new government to re-run the proceedings of what happened at Rainbow Towers in Harare.

Media practitioners, some of whom are imbedded in party politics, may need reorientation so that our change efforts as Zimbabweans are articulated satisfactorily at all times. This will include areas where the new inclusive government will be failing and areas where they succeed and where the responsibility for outcomes lie. Point-scoring and partisan support for individual players is one thing that we need to guard against as Zimbabweans but accountability should be the cornerstone of the new beginning. It is important to avoid declaring victory too soon even if we need to secure short-term wins in order to inspire the people.

The quick wins that the new government could achieve include issues that may not need resources but just political good will. Such issues include, opening up the media which is part of the agreement signed between Zanu PF and the MDC formations.

The media can promote a battle of ideas if run professionally and it is important for community development. In the past our politics has been focusing too much on individuals and personalities. Local newspapers and community radio stations will help to build vibrant communities from which change should actually start in the first place, otherwise the change agenda will only cater for the elite.

The new inclusive government can win over the Diaspora by a stroke of a pen by simply changing the law to allow the Diaspora to enjoy dual citizenship which is the case with most democratic countries like South Africa or United Kingdom, and even Nigeria that understand we are now global citizens or transnational citizens.

The new government is therefore encouraged to quickly communicate its vision through the appropriate media for respective audiences in the rural, urban areas and even the Diaspora.
There should be no room for spin because it will simply make people despair. So, may the work begin!

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